Category Archives: Wisconsin

Streets of Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, overrun by trolls!

Wisconsin. Just one of those states you never really think to visit. It’s not as if you pile the family in the car yelling, “hey kids, guess where we’re going! Wisconsin!” Affectionately known as the badger state, its one of those states that when you step foot across the border, you end up gaining five pounds. A […]

A Blue Ribbon Tour: The Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery

Past Blue Ribbon Beer (PBR) has seen increased popularity over the last ten years. With Generation X and Millennial populations consuming this beer in unprecedented numbers, this beer has become a staple again in bars and icy coolers wherever beer is sold. The iconic blue ribbon, so recognizable to us, is probably reminiscent of our […]

Forest Products Laboratory of Madison, Wisconsin

Tucked away, amidst the University of Wisconsin, Madison campus, sits the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in all its resplendent glory. This research facility was originally built in 1910, America’s only federally funded wood utilization research laboratory, which still holds true to this day. In 1932, the staff moved into the current building, which seems to majestically loom […]

Five Reasons to Visit Madison, Wisconsin

Madison seems more like a sprawling University, with a city within its borders, than the Capital of Wisconsin. The massive campus melds into the city, making it hard to delineate between this institute of higher education and urban environment. Whether you plan on traveling to Madison for a tour of the campus as a prospective […]